Autism Care Partners takes the privacy of persons served and other stakeholders seriously. This Notice of Privacy Practices is intended to give you a broad understanding of how information pertaining to you and/or your child is shared and protected and what your rights and responsibilities are as a person served by our agency.
Information compiled at Autism Care Partners regarding persons served and family members will be shared as appropriate with the person served, family, legal guardian and the entity purchasing the services. This information may also be shared with other professionals clinically involved in the case upon written permission of the person served or legal guardian and/or in a manner consistent with court orders or state and federal statutory requirements.
We can use your information, without your signed consent, for:
We can share health information with other professionals who are treating you/your child
We can share information that will help improve your/your child’s care, including quality improvement activities and audits.
We can use your personal information to bill and get payment from your funding source We may legally share your health information with others without your specific permission:
If you feel your privacy rights have been violated in any way, you may file a complaint with Autism Care Partners’ privacy/compliance officer (535 8th Avenue, 9th Floor, New York, New York, 10018: or the New York State Department of Health: (800) 206-8125.
Autism Care Partners takes the privacy of persons served and other stakeholders seriously. This Notice of Privacy Practices is intended to give you a broad understanding of how information pertaining to you and/or your child is shared and protected and what your rights and responsibilities are as a person served by our agency.
© Autism Care Partners 2025 | HIPAA Privacy Notice | Notice of Privacy Practices